This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 2004-06-14 at 12:00 p.m.
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SpamSieve Coupon Reduces Effective Price of Ebook to $0

by Tonya Engst

SpamSieve Coupon Reduces Effective Price of Ebook to $0 -- Our recently released 1.0.1 revision to Joe Kissell's $5 "Take Control of Spam in Apple Mail" ebook now includes a coupon for $5 off the purchase of Michael Tsai's highly regarded SpamSieve, which can replace the Junk Mail filter in Apple Mail. Joe's ebook also explains how to get up and running quickly with SpamSieve in Apple Mail. If you already purchased the 1.0 version of the ebook, you can upgrade for free by clicking the Check For Updates button on the cover. The $5 off coupon is located on the last page of the 1.0.1 ebook; click the link on that page to order. The $5 discount appears when you check out. [TJE]

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