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Find Photos in iPhoto in the Finder

Looking for the file associated with a photo in iPhoto? In iPhoto, to view a photo's file in the Finder, Control-click it and choose Show File from the contextual menu that appears. You can then drag the file's icon into an Open dialog to upload it to a photo-sharing service, for instance, but whatever you do, don't move or rename that file!

Visit iPhoto '09: Visual QuickStart Guide



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.3.3

Apple Releases Mac OS X 10.3.3 -- Just as we were about to go to press, Apple released the latest free update to Mac OS X 10.3. Version 10.3.3 offers a long list of enhancements (see Apple's Knowledge Base article), but one we're pleased to see is the inclusion of network-mounted volumes in the list of volumes shown in the sidebar of Finder windows and Open/Save dialogsShow full article

The Devonian Age Continues

The Devonian Age Continues -- Hard on the heels of last week's review of DEVONthink 1.8 comes version 1.8.1, offering the capability to index a document on disk without also importing it into the database; this meets my criticisms that the database is unnecessarily large and that deleting an original document to save disk space risks losing the dataShow full article

iTunes Music Store Tops 50 Million Songs Sold

iTunes Music Store Tops 50 Million Songs Sold -- Apple announced today that the iTunes Music Store had hit its 50 millionth song sale, and was averaging 2.5 million songs sold per week, about half in the form of albumsShow full article

The New Face of FaceSpan

The New Face of FaceSpan -- After a long hiatus, FaceSpan has returned in a new version completely rewritten for Mac OS X. FaceSpan 4.0 is an application construction kit with AppleScript as the programming language: you "draw" your interface, you write AppleScript code in scripts attached to the interface items, you compile, and presto, you've got a stand-alone applicationShow full article

Perl Made Easy with Affrus 1.0

Perl Made Easy with Affrus 1.0 -- Late Night Software has a history of picking up where Apple leaves off. Mac OS X includes AppleScript, but Apple's own Script Editor isn't all that great as an editing environment, and it can't debug at allShow full article

Style Master 3.5 Works Web Site Wizardry

Style Master 3.5 Works Web Site Wizardry -- Western Civilisation's Style Master has long been my favorite application for creating, editing, and previewing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in Web pages (see "Precision Web Pages with Style Master" in TidBITS-501)Show full article

NoteTaker 1.8 Hits More High Notes

NoteTaker 1.8 Hits More High Notes -- AquaMinds has released version 1.8 of their flagship notebook/outliner program, NoteTaker (see "Take Note of NoteTaker" in TidBITS-677)Show full article

Adam's March Radio Shows

Adam's March Radio Shows -- I've done guest spots on a pair of radio shows recently, so if you'd like to hear my conversations regarding Wi-Fi security, the recent worm plague, our move to Web Crossing, Take Control, and what's happening in the Mac industry, listen to Gene Steinberg's Mac Night Owl show from 05-Mar-04 (you may need to load the show URL directly into QuickTime Player, and I'm in the second half), and Scott Sheppard's Inside Mac Radio show on 13-Mar-04 (again, I'm in the second half)Show full article

Revisiting Panther's FireWire Data Loss Problem

When Apple released Mac OS X 10.3 Panther last October, many people (though by no means all) had serious difficulties with their FireWire hard drives. Affected users found that, after restarting their computers under Panther with the drives connected, the drives become completely inaccessible - unable to mount on any operating system, and so badly damaged that even disk recovery applications could not retrieve their data. Not long after the problem surfaced, Apple acknowledged an issue affecting FireWire 800 hard drives that use the Oxford 922 bridge chipset with firmware version 1.02 or earlierShow full article

FileMaker Pro 7: Can You Say Paradigm Shift?

I wouldn't describe the last several versions of FileMaker Pro as ho-hum, but I wouldn't exactly call them exciting. The addition of XML support in FileMaker Pro 6 was so revolutionary an enhancement that most developers still don't know what to make of it two years laterShow full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/15-Mar-04

FileMaker Pro 7 Released -- Readers look at what the new database software offers, and how it differs from previous versions. (6 messages) Front ends to SQL databases -- The discussions of what's new in FileMaker Pro 7 morphed into the question of whether or not there were graphical front-ends to powerful (but usually difficult) SQL databasesShow full article

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