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Mighty Mouse as Application Switcher

Looking for an easier way to switch between multiple applications? Within Keyboard and Mouse Preferences under System Preferences, you can configure the scroll wheel to act as an Application Switcher. Press the scroll button to bring up Application Switcher, scroll to toggle to the application you want, and hit the scroll button again to switch. You can also double-click the scroll button to quickly switch to the previously active application.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Style Master 3.5 Works Web Site Wizardry

Style Master 3.5 Works Web Site Wizardry -- Western Civilisation's Style Master has long been my favorite application for creating, editing, and previewing Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in Web pages (see "Precision Web Pages with Style Master" in TidBITS-501). It encapsulates a difficult language in an easy interface; put another way, it knows CSS so you don't have to (although you can certainly use it to edit your CSS directly if you wish). And now, you really don't have to know any CSS, because the version 3.5 includes "wizards".

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A wizard is a dialog sequence; it guides you through choices about how you want your Web pages to look (font, margins, borders, and so forth), and then generates the corresponding CSS and some HTML to illustrate those attributes. And, beyond the level of general page layout, wizards are also included for such common page elements as site navigation bars and "breadcrumbs" (links showing where the user is located within your site). If even wizards are too much trouble, you can just use one of a dozen included pre-built CSS page templates (provided under a Creative Commons license). There is also now built-in page previewing, along with CSS validation within Style Master or online using W3C's validator. Now anyone can set up great-looking, valid CSS-based Web sites in about a minute. Style Master requires Mac OS X 10.0 or higher, and costs $60; this update is $40 for existing owners. A 30-day demo is available as a 5.8 MB download. [MAN]



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