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Set Per-Folder Views in the Finder

Tired of navigating to a particular folder and having to switch to List View every time? With Finder in Leopard, you can set viewing preference for each individual folder. Just navigate to it, and set the view the way you want (Column, List, Icon, or Cover Flow). Then choose View > Show View Options (Command-J) and in the window that appears, select the Always Open In... checkbox.



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Tom Fitch writes, "In TidBITS-058, you mention that the Magnavox color monitor is a Trinitron, when in fact it is made by Phillips. Still a pretty good screen for the moneyShow full article


Lots of new utilities will be coming out to take advantage of System 7 and all that can be done with Apple Events and the like. From the sound of it, one of the most useful and powerful will be CE's QuicKeys 2.1 (besides I should say something nice about them after hassling them about not making QuickMail Server 2.5 System 7-compatible two weeks ago)Show full article

Window Gadgets

This is absolutely no good. It must stop, and soon! Companies have begun to release Windows utilities that don't exist as a higher life form on the MacShow full article

HAM Sandwich

One of the neatest capabilities of Finder 7 is the ability to put anything (including an alias) in the Apple menu by simply putting that item in the Apple Menu Items folder in the System FolderShow full article

More Apple News

Anyone who has programmed on the Mac has used Inside Mac (OK, maybe a few bright people can just guess at the specifics, but everyone else looks it up)Show full article

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