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Verify Turned-Off Apple Wireless Keyboard

Can't tell if you've turned off your Apple Wireless Keyboard to prevent it from waking up an iOS device or running down its batteries? Tap the Caps Lock key, and if it illuminates, the keyboard is on; otherwise not.



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Stephan Bublava writes, "I think I have found the hidden feature of HyperCard 2.1 (regarding report printing): Just choose "Print Report..." from the File menu with the option key downShow full article


Yay! I finally upgraded to System 7 golden a few days ago. I'd been messing around with one of the beta versions for a while, but that ended when I destroyed my hard disk briefly trying to recover some space from a partition using a version of Silverlining that didn't support System 7 disksShow full article

Videoconferencing Thoughts

Videoconferencing is one of those nice ideas that has never much caught on because it's so pricey. However, with the terrorist scare during the Gulf unpleasantness, lots of executive types suddenly didn't feel too much like flying, evidently placing a fairly high price on their lives since they turned to videoconferencing in drovesShow full article

Disinfectant Update

Apple's Compatibility Checker erroneously claimed that John Norstad's incredibly popular virus checking utility, Disinfectant, was up to version 2.5. However, Norstad, ever the nice guy, decided to give Disinfectant a small update to make Apple feel better, so now we have a real Disinfectant 2.5Show full article

MaxAppleZoom Dies?

A large number of people on the nets have reported that the shareware utility MaxAppleZoom has died, although others have yet to notice any ill effectsShow full article

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