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Calculate with Spotlight

Have a quick calculation to perform? Don't bother opening Calculator, simply enter the calculation into Spotlight's search bar, and Spotlight displays the answer as the top item. To perform further calculations, hit Return, or click the answer, and Spotlight launches Calculator.

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Submitted by
Sharon Zardetto



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Douglas Wyman writes, "At the Las Vegas 90 Fall COMDEX I saw a prototype digital camera which used EEROM cards instead of still-video floppies to record imagesShow full article


Everyone has been complaining for the last few years about System 7 needing 2 MB of RAM to run. Given the low price of memory (about $40 per MB), getting another megabyte shouldn't bankrupt too many peopleShow full article

Storage Notes

I'm always interested in newer and bigger forms of mass storage, and a number of interesting announcements have come out in the last few months. Probably the storage device that will gain acceptance the fastest is the 88 MB SyQuest drive, which will first appear from PLI, MicroNet, and Mass MicrosystemsShow full article

BAT News

One of my favorite people to talk to is Ward Bond, president of Infogrip, because he always pushes the envelope of technology. Infogrip makes the BAT chord keyboard, which should show up in the Mac market after they get enough money to pay an industrial designer to snazz it up for picky consumersShow full article

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