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Open Multiple Items from Stacks

Want to open multiple items from a stack in the Dock? Hold down the Option key while clicking them to keep the stack visible while the documents open.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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The Final Free Frontier

The Final Free Frontier -- In brief letters to registered Frontier users last week, UserLand Software announced a charter pricing structure for Frontier 5.1, the soon-to-be-released version of their cross-platform scripting and Web content toolShow full article

Surf Express Updated for Speed

Surf Express Updated for Speed -- Connectix has released a free update to Surf Express, the company's Web acceleration software that improves performance via a more intelligent caching scheme than that used by most browsersShow full article

As the HFS Plus Disk Turns

Apple's introduction of Mac OS Extended Format, the new disk format better known as HFS Plus, has engendered no small amount of consternation in the Macintosh community because it's incompatible with many previous disk utilities - see "All About Macintosh Extended Format (HFS Plus)" in TidBITS-414Show full article

PalmPilot Upgrade Card Problematic for Mac Users

Macintosh users who have upgraded their PalmPilot organizers using the new Palm 2 MB Upgrade card are discovering a potentially serious problem when synchronizing their dataShow full article

Have You Backed Up Today? Part 4

TidBITS readers have both offered useful additional information and raised a number of interesting questions concerning the issues that swirl around backup strategies, as discussed in the previous three parts of this series. My Backup Strategy -- A number of people asked me to explain the specifics behind my backup strategy, hoping that they could apply my rationale to their situationShow full article

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