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Quickly Mail a Link in Safari

Reading a Web page in Safari and want to send the URL to a friend via email? Simply press Command-Shift-I to open a new email message with the Web page title as the Subject line and the Web page URL in the message body.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 431 Next: TidBITS 433

BYTE Bitten

BYTE Bitten -- The pages of history will close temporarily on the venerable technology magazine BYTE. The 23-year-old magazine, which was recently sold by owner McGraw-Hill to CMP Media, will suspend publication for "several months" and undergo "refinement," according to a press releaseShow full article

Nitro PowerPlug Speeds WebSTAR

Nitro PowerPlug Speeds WebSTAR -- ClearWay Technologies is shipping the $99 Nitro PowerPlug 1.0, a WebSTAR plug-in that accelerates the execution speed of all other WebSTAR plug-ins up to 200 percent or more in ClearWay's testingShow full article

Free Surfing for Ricochet Subscribers

Free Surfing for Ricochet Subscribers -- Owners of Metricom's Ricochet wireless modems can take advantage of a free Web browsing boost thanks to a recent deal with ConnectixShow full article

Mailsmith 1.0.1 More Polished

Mailsmith 1.0.1 More Polished -- With the release of version 1.0.1, Bare Bones Software has applied a bit of polish to Mailsmith, the company's new email client program (see "Mailsmith Emerges from the Forge" in TidBITS-428)Show full article

Palm Organizer for Macintosh: Details Emerge

After 3Com announced last month that it had purchased Claris Organizer from Apple to use as the basis of its upcoming Macintosh PalmPilot desktop software (see "Claris Organizer Reincarnated as Palm MacPac" in TidBITS-429), Mac users of Organizer and Palm devices have been wondering what the deal means for the futureShow full article

Image Searching on the Web, Part 2: Image Search Engines

Although the Web is rife with images, most act as decoration: buttons, logos, fancy backgrounds, and pet pictures quickly come to mind. However, the Web can also be a rich resource of imagery relating to specific subjects, such as maps and animal photographs for kids' school reportsShow full article

Have You Backed Up Today? Part 1

Recent popular discussions on the TidBITS Talk list have orbited around the issue of backing up data - what's the best media to use, how often should one back up, what software works well, if backup devices should be built into computers, and how iMac users will back up their dataShow full article

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