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Open Recent Office 2008 Docs by Date

Office 2008 applications like Word and Excel now list recently opened documents on a File > Open Recent submenu. Choose More from that menu, and you'll get a multifunction Project Gallery dialog. Click the Recent button at the top and then select a date range in the Dates list to find files that were last opened today, yesterday, earlier in the week, last week, and so forth. (The Settings pane in the Project Gallery dialog lets you set how many recently opened files show in the File > Open Recent submenu.)



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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White Knight Blackened

A number of people on Usenet have complained about Freesoft's White Knight's inability to display more than 24 lines in VT100 emulation mode. The White Knight window itself can be sized to display more lines, but doing so produces unexpected resultsShow full article

SuperDrives Stumble

Since the introduction of the SuperDrive (officially known as the FDHD for a while), users have had mixed feelings. On the one hand, no one minds having 1.4 megabytes of storage on a single floppyShow full article

Ashton-Tate Tries Again

Ashton-Tate's new versions of dBASE for the Mac and PC will share the look and feel of the DOS command line environment and will be 100% data and program compatible with each otherShow full article

Shacking Up With Tandy?

The Usenet rumor mill has been grinding the low-cost Mac into a fine flour. Evidently, some people have heard that Apple is striking a deal with Tandy, the computer name behind Radio Shack, either to build and market or just to build a low cost MacShow full article

Speed Dreams

With all the hullabaloo about the Mac IIfx, there has been much discussion from jealous Plus and SE owners on how to bring their Macs up to speed and snuffShow full article

Cheap IBM Home Computer

Although IBM has not made an official announcement, a front page article in PC WEEK reveals IBM's plans for an August-release, low-cost home computer. This system, if released promptly, could steer potential buyers toward IBM if Apple cannot come through with its promise of a low-cost MacintoshShow full article

WordPerfect Thinks Small

In response to the burgeoning laptop market, WordPerfect is putting together a new word processor called LetterPerfect. LetterPerfect files will be 100% compatible with WordPerfect IBM 5.1 files (and theoretically with WordPerfect Mac 1.0.4 files, but we don't know exactly how that will work and WordPerfect Mac should be at release 2.0 before LetterPerfect comes out)Show full article

Teleportation Arrives

Global Village Communications has introduced a unique modem that attaches to the Mac's ADB ports like a keyboard or mouse. The $225 TelePort modem does not require a power supply and communicates at 300, 1200, and 2400 baud with class 5 MNPShow full article

Head-mounted Screen

A new screen from Reflection Technology has the physical dimensions of a sugar packet, but the viewing dimensions of a 12" monitor. The screen uses a headband to attach to your head and extends a few inches out from the headband in front of one of your eyesShow full article

Dictionary DA With A Twist

Microlytics Inc. has come up with the perfect desk accessory for folks who know perfectly well what they want to say but cannot think of the word. The dictionary allows you to type in definitions and then tells you what words you might be thinking ofShow full article

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