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Open Links from Mail in the Background

Tired of switching back and forth between Mail and your Web browser every time you click a link in a TidBITS issue or other email message? Here's an easy workaround. Hold down the Command key when you click links in Mail to open them in your browser without switching away from Mail. That way you can keep reading in Mail and then read all the Web pages you've opened.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Scuzzy SCSI

When it first arrived, everyone liked the Apple standard SCSI because it was relatively fast and easy to use. Unfortunately, it soon became clear that SCSI was not the answer to the Mac's problems and might even cause some of themShow full article

Stealth Mac

It may not be able to avoid airport metal detectors, but Colby Systems hopes that its new Mac portable will be less obtrusive than other entries in the portable marketShow full article

OS/2 & Windows

Last week Microsoft said that version 2.0 of its OS/2 operating system would be binary compatible with future versions of Windows. Theoretically, applications designed for Windows would run transparently under Presentation Manager, though the reverse is unlikelyShow full article

Topic Real-Time

Verity, Inc. has announced a product that will scan an incoming news feed such as Dow Jones's Dow Vision information service and filter the information according to a weighted keyword system (no mention was made of Usenet)Show full article

68040 Macintosh?

The latest rumors on Usenet concerning the next generation Macintosh CPU have been leaning toward the 68040. Some time ago, MacWEEK reported that Apple was looking to the Motorola 88000 series of RISC chips to power the next MacintoshesShow full article


Almost everyone who owns a DeskWriter (or DeskJet) printer from Hewlett Packard has complained about the ink, which is soluble in water. Although few people have specifically had problems with dunking their printouts, most people worry about the possibilityShow full article

Not So Special fx

Someone on Usenet with a penchant for the bleeding edge of technology had a number of problems with a IIfx and a Radius Pivot Monitor recently. Among them were incompatibilities with MacsBug 6.1, SuperPaint 2.0, Syserr DA, Cricket Graph 1.3, and MacPaint 2.0Show full article

Ashton-Tate Tottering?

Ashton-Tate has never won the hearts of Macintosh users despite the elegant interface of FullWrite Professional. dBASE Mac was a flop because it wasn't compatible with dBASE III for the PC, and Full Impact, despite some good reviews has never seriously competed with Wingz and ExcelShow full article

PostScript, The Sequel

Adobe Systems Inc. announced its plans to announce PostScript Level 2 on June 5 of this year. Level 2 will incorporate all 52 of Level 1's extensions and will include new operators designed for Display PostScriptShow full article

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