This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1990-04-23 at 12:00 p.m.
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White Knight Blackened

by Adam C. Engst

A number of people on Usenet have complained about Freesoft's White Knight's inability to display more than 24 lines in VT100 emulation mode. The White Knight window itself can be sized to display more lines, but doing so produces unexpected results. VT100 emulation does have a standard of 24 lines, but many mainframe computers can be set to use a larger window, and terminal emulation packages should be able to deal with that. Zterm, a non-commercial emulator, will allow larger VT100 screens, though no one has mentioned the abilities of other popular terminal packages such as MicroPhone II and VersaTerm.

The consensus among users on Usenet seemed to be that Freesoft was correct in supporting the 24 line VT100 standard, but it would be useful if White Knight also supported larger screen sizes. If enough people request this feature from Freesoft, I'm sure Scott Watson will consider including it in a subsequent release of White Knight.

Information from:
Robert Minich --
David I. Resnick --
Norman Goodger -- ngg@bridge2.ESD.3Com.COM