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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Apple TV 3.0 Adds Focus on Your Content

The Apple TV 3.0 software update brings a welcome change to the top-level navigation, along with support for iTunes LP, iTunes Extras, Genius Mixes, and iPhoto Faces and Events.Show full article

Roku Adds Two New Internet Video Streaming Boxes

Roku has added two new products to its lineup of boxes that connect Internet streaming video services with your television.Show full article

The Best Camera Evangelizes iPhone Photography

Professional photographer Chase Jarvis has released an iPhone photo app called The Best Camera that can take pictures, add effects, and upload photos to sharing sites, all in one fell swoop. Show full article

Twitter Adds Lists, Finally

Acknowledging that some sort of categorization was necessary to handle overwhelming tweet volumes, Twitter has started to give its user base access to a new feature for grouping people.Show full article

Free "Take Control of VMware Fusion 3" Simplifies Windows on a Mac

If you're interested in running Windows on your Mac, check out Joe Kissell's new "Take Control of VMware Fusion 3," available for free download. Show full article

Chinese iPhone Has No Wi-Fi

As was widely rumored for months, the model of the iPhone now for sale in China lacks Wi-Fi. The reason? Government conspiracy! No, seriously. Show full article

TweetMyMac Offers Remote Control by Twitter

Just when you believe you've seen everything, someone invents a Mac OS X remote-control client that uses Twitter as the control channel.Show full article

New Processor Promises Improved Camera GPS Support

The integration of GPS into digital cameras for geotagging - attaching coordinates to images - hasn't gone well. Cameras aren't well suited for rapidly acquiring signals nor updating precompiled satellite location lists. A new module from chipmaker CSR may help provide better results.Show full article

PureFTPd Manager Updated for Snow Leopard

The top FTP server management package for Mac OS X has been updated for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. It's the best way to secure an FTP connection.Show full article

SheepShaver Brings Classic Mac OS to Snow Leopard

Can't relive the past? Why, of course you can! In Leopard, Apple killed off Classic; but with SheepShaver, you can bring it back to life and run a Classic Mac OS in emulation, even on an Intel machine, even under Snow Leopard.Show full article

TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Updates for 2 November 2009

Notable software releases this week include Electric Sheep 2.7b18b, iTunes 9.0.2, Default Folder X 4.3.2, Wireless Mouse Software Update 1.0 for Leopard and Snow Leopard, VMware Fusion 3, ScreenFlow 2.0, Apple Server Diagnostics 3X106, and DoorStop X Security Suite 2.3.Show full article

ExtraBITS for 2 November 2009

Read on for a collection of links to the most interesting articles and resources that the TidBITS staff discovered on the Web this week.Show full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 2 November 2009

Discussions have been active this week, with topics all over the map. Readers are looking for alternatives to iCal, questioning the reliability of 2.5-inch hard drives, wondering what Flash is good for, digging into obscure Eudora settings, troubleshooting why multiple Photoshop files aren't opening when prompted, and looking at the importance of email. Also this week, Verizon's Droid may be a worthwhile competitor to the iPhone, readers reach back in time to see if a 2000 Power Mac G4 can access more than 160 GB of disk space, and try to figure out why old email keeps appearing in a reader's inbox.Show full article

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