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Enter Dashboard, Expose, or Spaces Temporarily

Hold down F9, F10, F11, or F12 (or whatever you've set for the Expose and Spaces keyboard shortcuts) for a few seconds, and then release the key to enter and leave the appropriate mode without having to press the key again. This is particularly useful for Dashboard, in which you can check the contents of a widget and then return to your work with only a single key press.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Vonage Releases Apps for International Calling

Vonage has released calling apps for the iPhone and iPod touch, which are restricted to cheap, fee-per-minute outgoing VoIP calls placed to countries other than the United States. Surprisingly, the iPhone version can use a cellular voice connection when Wi-Fi isn't available.Show full article

Cloud Data Blown Away for Sidekick Users

Danger, danger, Sidekick users! Your data may already be lost. Microsoft reveals that T-Mobile Sidekick owners may have suffered two indignities: a major disruption a week ago, and then no real hope of restoring lost data.Show full article

VoIP over Mobile Broadband a Smart Move for AT&T

While the pundit spin may be that the FCC forced AT&T's hand in allowing iPhone voice calling apps to use 3G networks to carry calls, it's also a smart move for AT&T to keep customers from switching. In the end, it may make more money for the telecom giant.Show full article

Amazon Extends Kindle Beyond United States

Amazon has released the international Kindle, bringing its signature ebook reader to the world outside the United States. But do the company's pricing plans blunt an otherwise exciting announcement? Kirk McElhearn, writing from his home office in the French Alps, takes a look.Show full article

Make Old Apple Printers Work in Snow Leopard

Do you have an old Apple LaserWriter that you'd like to keep using from a Mac running Snow Leopard? The loss of AppleTalk makes it harder, but Christian Voelker figured out how to lead his LaserWriter Pro 630 into Snow Leopard's territory, and his experience should help people with similar printers.Show full article

Revealing Mac OS X's Hidden Single-Application Mode

Interface options lurk deep within the bowels of Mac OS X, but Lewis Butler shows you how to summon one and put it to work helping you focus on just a few applications at a time.Show full article

TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates through 12-Oct-09

Notable software releases this week include Epson Printer Drivers 2.1 for Mac OS X 10.6.1, iPhone OS 3.1.2, and Nisus Writer Pro 1.3.1.Show full article

Bonus Stories for 12-Oct-09

We've been enjoying an embarrassment of rich content of late, and we didn't want these great articles to go unnoticed by our email subscribers simply because we had more timely pieces that took their places in this week's issue. These articles will likely appear in the future, but if you want to read them now, just visit our Web site (where you can make comments too!).Show full article

ExtraBITS for 12-Oct-09

Read on for a collection of links to some of the most interesting articles and resources that the TidBITS staff discovered on the Web this week.Show full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk for 12-Oct-09

In this week's TidBITS Talk discussions, Snow Leopard gets a workout with reports of FTP issues and other aggravations that some readers have discovered. The iPhone also gets attention, with readers looking for voice recording apps, inexpensive device holders, dealing with international data roaming charges, and how to resuscitate a dead unit. Also this week, the topic of backups comes up - specifically, synchronizing folders - and the search is on for a resource to replace the discontinued Apple Macintosh Products Guide.Show full article

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