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Expand Finder Columns Quickly

Column view in the Finder is great for navigating through your disk's hierarchy, but the columns often aren't wide enough to show the full names of all the files. To expand a column to a width that will show all file names in their entirety, double-click the handle that you would normally drag to expand or shrink the column. To expand all the visible columns to that width, Option-double-click the handle.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 9 Next: TidBITS 11

Electromagnetic Controversy

Macworld devoted much of its July, 1990 issue to the health hazards of computers. Most of the articles actually focussed on the side-effects of working at video display terminals (i.eShow full article

HyperCard 2.0, Finally

After what seemed like forever to those of us who use HyperCard, Apple released version 2.0. We'll assume that if you are reading TidBITS, you understand more or less what HyperCard can do and how hard it is to pin down its abilitiesShow full article

C Shells by the C Shore

Last week's article on Ostrakon, an application shell for THINK C, garnered a response that we feel worth mentioning this week. We said then that compiler packages often came with skeleton applications for people to flesh out, but that Ostrakon took this idea one step farther by providing extensive documentation and commented codeShow full article


Some of you may remember reading about an ambitious and generous project to create an inexpensive sound digitizer from plans and software donated to the Mac community by a group calling themselves The SID TrioShow full article

Reverse Engineers

Faced with the contradictory news of the new low-cost Mac (MacCheap?), a number of people on Usenet have started talking about the possibilities of reverse engineering the Mac ROMs along with the rest of the Mac hardwareShow full article

Wanted: Color SE

This is yet another article inspired by discussions of the low-cost Mac and what it should be. We may even write an article on the low-cost Mac itself one of these days, although a few more facts and a bit less rumor will be necessary firstShow full article

Yet More Compression

Compression is an excellent way to save space and is more elegant than using larger and larger hard disks or faster methods of data transmission. MIT's Media Lab does a great deal of work on newer and more efficient methods of compression for this very reasonShow full article

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