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Move to Top Shortcut in iPhone

On an iPhone, flicking all the way back up to the top of a long Web page can be a real drag. Instead, a single tap on the status bar moves you to the top of a page. (The status bar is where the clock is.) This tip also works in other apps, like Mail, Contacts, etc.

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HyperCard 2.4.1 Update

HyperCard 2.4.1 Update -- Apple has released HyperCard 2.4.1, a minor update to its long-lived authoring tool. HyperCard 2.4.1 fixes problems when using HyperCard with disks larger than 2 GB, and removes the persistent display of the Get QuickTime Pro movie when using HyperCard 2.4 with QuickTime 3.0. (HyperCard 2.4 was released under Apple's original, poorly received QuickTime 3.0 licensing terms; see "Apple Releases HyperCard 2.4" in TidBITS-427 and "Apple Revises QuickTime 3 Licensing" in TidBITS-430.) HyperCard 2.4.1 is available for $99 via the Apple Store; owners of HyperCard 2.3, 2.3.5, and 2.4 can download a free 5.2 MB update. The free HyperCard Player 2.4.1 (1.6 MB) is also available. [GD]

< Apple_SW_Updates/US/Macintosh/Utilities/ HyperCard/>


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