This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1990-06-25 at 12:00 p.m.
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HyperCard 2.0, Finally

by Adam C. Engst

After what seemed like forever to those of us who use HyperCard, Apple released version 2.0. We'll assume that if you are reading TidBITS, you understand more or less what HyperCard can do and how hard it is to pin down its abilities. Apparently, most 1.2.x stacks should convert to 2.0 without a hitch, although some externals may have problems.

The feature list, which is what you've all been waiting for, includes the following:

HyperCard 2.0 should be available in early July. The software alone is free and is available from the usual places such as user groups and dealers. If you want the manuals, it costs $49.95.

Information from:
Apple Press Release

Related article:
MacWEEK -- 08-May-90, Vol. 4 #18, pg. 1