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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

While all the articles in each mailed edition of TidBITS are available as individual articles, we also archive each edition in three forms (substitute an issue number for number):

Previous 25 issues | Next 25 issues

TidBITS #400 on 1997-10-06

Another domino topples on the path to TidBITS world domination: in our 400th issue, Adam shows how TidBITS, which predated the Web by about four years, now uses sophisticated software to deliver a constantly changing Web site. Also, we note the release of ShareWay IP, look at Font Reserve, a program that may once and for all solve users' font difficulties, and continue Rick Holzgrafe's Successful Shareware series.

TidBITS #399 on 1997-09-29

This week brings both death and birth - we mourn the passing of our friend, colleague, and Macintosh luminary Cary Lu and then turn around to share the details of our new publication, NetBITS (think of it as TidBITS on Internet steroids). Tonya explores more contextual menu utilities and we note updates to LetterRip and ListSTAR, the acquisition of Dayna by Intel, the release of Internet Config 1.4, the move of Macworld Boston, and Virtual PC 1.0.1.

TidBITS #398 on 1997-09-22

Now that you've installed Mac OS 8, are you taking advantage of its new features? This week we put contextual menus in context. In the news department we note the upcoming first issue of NetBITS, Steve Jobs's new post, and details on the Mac OS Up-to-Date Program covering clone purchasers. We also have more Virtual PC information, news of the spam-fighting EIMS 2.0b2, and the second installment of Rick Holzgrafe's Successful Shareware piece.

TidBITS #397 on 1997-09-15

Wondering how to run PC software on the Mac? This week we review Virtual PC, Connectix's entry into the PC emulation arena. We also continue our coverage of the clone licensing situation with news about Motorola's plans to discontinue cloning, note a new converter for Word users needing to access Word 97-98 documents, and take a light-hearted look at the truly strange contents of the Macintosh curio cabinet.

TidBITS #396 on 1997-09-08

Wondering about Apple's future in a world without Power Computing clones? Guest writer Matt Deatherage provides detailed analysis and posits that Apple is afraid to compete. Other news includes Apple plans to retain the Newton, CompuServe's sale to WorldCom and AOL, and notes on key updates to RAM Doubler, Conflict Catcher, OneClick, and other programs for Mac OS 8 compatibility. We promise to continue our Successful Shareware series in a future issue.

TidBITS #395 on 1997-09-01

With the clone licensing imbroglio likely to reach a head this week, we include more comments about clone licensing and about why TidBITS thinks Apple needs clones. In addition, Adam describes his latest book, one that takes a very different approach to the Internet than the Internet Starter Kits, and we publish Part 1 of shareware author Rick Holzgrafe's personal look at what it takes to create successful shareware.

TidBITS #394 on 1997-08-25

You want analysis, we got analysis! Apple and the Macintosh continue to swirl in a pool of rumors and speculation, this time regarding clone licensing. Fighting the spins put on the issue by Apple and clone maker Power Computing, Adam attempts to clarify the situation. Also this week, we bring the German TidBITS mailing list in-house, share responses to the Macintosh media market, and remind developers that software should aspire to simplicity.

TidBITS #393 on 1997-08-18

Wondering what you'll do next time you run into an extension conflict? Adam provides some ideas this week in his review of Casady and Greene's Conflict Catcher 4.0. In addition, we continue Macworld coverage with our traditional Macworld Expo superlatives article; report on the cracking of Hacke, the Web server in the second Crack-A-Mac contest; follow up on the MacUser-Macworld merger; and note a number of techniques for avoiding Word macro viruses.

TidBITS #392 on 1997-08-11

Last week's Macworld Expo news dominates this issue with news of the Apple/Microsoft announcement that floored everyone at the keynote address. Managing Editor Jeff Carlson, our representative at the Expo, weighs in with his overall impressions; Tonya reports on new hardware from Apple, including several new Power Macs; and Adam offers additional details and analysis about the recent Macworld/MacUser merger.

TidBITS #391 on 1997-08-04

Wondering how to manage your money at Macworld Expo? This week's issue brings you shopping advice and a look at Expo purchases we've made in the past. This week we also introduce a new sponsor - Hitachi and its new MPEG camera - and note news of a merger between top Macintosh magazines. Finally, Tonya wraps up her seven part article about Web publishing software with a look at Microsoft FrontPage and NetObjects Fusion.

TidBITS #390 on 1997-07-28

Mac OS 8 - it's here to stay! Geoff Duncan delves into some subtleties of this major upgrade, and qualifies everything with a bit of informal usability testing with some normal Mac users. This issue also features the release of the Robert Hess Memorial Macworld Party List, and an announcement of ClarisWorks for Kids. Finally, Tonya takes a site-centric view of Web publishing by comparing Site Weaver, SiteMill, and CyberStudio Pro.

TidBITS #389 on 1997-07-21

Apple can shine with pride this week as it releases Mac OS 8, and in this issue, Geoff covers its many new features. We also have news about juiced-up PowerBook 1400s, an Internet-based encryption challenge in which Macintosh users can participate, and Apple's lower-than-expected quarterly loss. Tonya rounds out the issue by exploring a new Frontier in Web publishing and site management.

TidBITS #388 on 1997-07-14

Feeling lost? Wondering about your position in life? This week we explore the technology of the Global Positioning System (GPS), used by the military, surveyors, and now consumers. We also comment on Gil Amelio's and Ellen Hancock's resignations from Apple, report on a new version of HTML, and note the newly released Disinfectant 3.7.1. Also, Tonya takes a break from her series about Web publishing software, but plans to continue next week.

TidBITS #387 on 1997-07-07

Wondering what it would be like to own a Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh? Tonya shares her one-day experience. Also in this issue, we note a new version of Disinfectant, a low price for LetterRip 2.0, explain why Power Computing plans to sell Intel-based computers, and highlight resources for those interested in Internet security. Reviews this week include Broderbund's Family Tree Maker and CyberStudio from GoLive Systems.

TidBITS #386 on 1997-06-30

The emperor may have no clothes, but is he indecent? Adam examines the United States Supreme Court's ruling on Communications Decency Act and the notion that "indecent" material spontaneously arrives on people's computer screens. We also note the newly released Netscape Communicator 4.01, LetterRip 2.0, and the Usenet news server RumorMill, plus Tonya looks at visual HTML editors, including Adobe PageMill, Claris Home Page, and Symantec Visual Page.

TidBITS #385 on 1997-06-23

Concerned about Macintosh security? This week, Adam takes another look at Microsoft Word macro viruses and Geoff examines some of the motivations behind Macintosh Web server challenges (plus notes creative techniques for cracking them). We also have news about Adobe SiteMill 2.0, and the second part of Tonya's coverage of HTML editors. This week, she checks out PageSpinner's competition: World Wide Web Weaver, BBEdit, and Alpha.

TidBITS #384 on 1997-06-16

Just when you think you know someone, they do something unexpected. In this issue, Adam writes about buying a PC, fighting Windows 95, and integrating them into his Mac network in order to work on his new book. Also, Tonya begins a multi-part feature about Web publishing software: this week, she surveys the field and takes a close look at PageSpinner. We also note the shipping of Virtual PC and a new version of WebCollage.

TidBITS #383 on 1997-06-09

Worried your Mac might be suffering from macro viruses? This week, we report on application-based viruses and how to defend against them. Also, we share a collection of scripts and tricks for Emailer 2.0 (plus tell you how to make an Ethernet crossover cable), note a hot new version of PageSpinner, and - rounding out the issue - guest writer Glenn Fleishman reports on recent upheavals in the Internet's infrastructure.

TidBITS #382 on 1997-06-02

Tune in this week for a review of the popular email client program Claris Emailer 2.0, plus Adam's thoughts on the benefits of smaller Mac fairs in comparison to large trade shows. Also, we note the need for ongoing vigilance against Macintosh viruses, welcome a Portuguese TidBITS translation, give pointers to an Apple Internet Solutions guide, and offer news on NetObjects Fusion and upgrading some Global Village modem cards.

TidBITS #381 on 1997-05-26

Looking for a new spreadsheet? Don't miss Matt's cheery review of Spreadsheet 2000, a user-friendly program with a new take on how a spreadsheet should work. This issue also features a close look at Apple's recent Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple's plans for the Newton, and details on Global Village's latest foray into telecommunications technology.

TidBITS #380 on 1997-05-19

In March we promised you a Search Engine Shootout, and this week, with gun smoke still hanging in the air, we'll show you which entries are still standing. We also discuss Apple's new customer support options, the newest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer, the release of Newton Connection Utilities 1.0, and TidBITS distribution on CompuServe.

TidBITS #379 on 1997-05-12

Considering the purchase of a Newton? Don't miss this week's detailed review of the Newton MessagePad 2000, written by a long-time Newton owner who recently bought the latest model. This week, we also examine each of the entries in our TidBITS Search Engine Shootout, and bring you news about the upcoming PowerBook 2400c, and Aladdin Systems purchasing Rev.

TidBITS #378 on 1997-05-05

Perhaps it was our use of the word "wax" in a headline. Last week's "Sex Wax Your Browser" article prompted several reader suggestions, so this week we're baring all to share more techniques for making Web browsing easier. We've also got a detailed summary of why no one walked away with 100,000 Swedish kronors in the Crack A Mac challenge, information on the rapidly multiplying Mac OS clone market, and news of two applications that don't mind pushing you around.

TidBITS #377 on 1997-04-28

Is Apple getting a bad rap from journalists, or is it just a conspiracy cooked up by Apple management? This week, Keith Brindley offers a journalist's view on how Apple contributes to its own bad press. Also this week, Adam shares some techniques for enhancing the usability of Web browsers, Apple releases a fix for disabled Level 2 caches, the Info-Mac archive comes back online, we ask a favor of folks redistributing TidBITS issues, and we introduce MacWorks as a new TidBITS sponsor.

TidBITS #376 on 1997-04-21

How will books and seminars change as the two fields meet online? Adam tackles this topic with a look at his most recently completed project. In news this week, Apple posts a quarterly loss and cuts prices on some models, GoLive Systems releases a hot-looking HTML editor, and Jeremy Kezer updates his Control Strip Modules. Finishing off the issue, Tonya reviews Online Army Knife, a Macintosh spelling checker with a new attitude.

Previous 25 issues | Next 25 issues