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Open URLs Quickly from BBEdit

If you're working on a bit of text (HTML or otherwise) in BBEdit, and you see a URL that you'd like to open, the fastest way is to Command-click it. Most BBEdit users probably already know this tip, but if you don't, it's a huge time-saver. (The same trick works in BBEdit's free little brother, TextWrangler.)



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Previous: TidBITS 380 Next: TidBITS 382

Apple Spins Out Newton

Apple Spins Out Newton -- Last week, Apple announced plans to form a subsidiary company based on the Newton group. The new company, which doesn't yet have a name or a CEO, will focus on "the computing and communications needs of mobile users." At the moment, that means the company has two products, the MessagePad 2000 (see TidBITS-379) and the eMate 300 (see TidBITS-361), although Apple will continue to support, sell, and market the eMate into the education marketShow full article

TidBITS Still on ZDNet/Mac on CompuServe

TidBITS Still on ZDNet/Mac on CompuServe -- Kevin Norris of ZDNet/Mac tells us that they're continuing to upload TidBITS to the ZDNet/Mac Arts & Fun Forum's (GO ZMC:ZMACARTS) Electronic Pubs library (#11)Show full article

Global Village's 56K for PowerBooks

This Tuesday, Global Village Communication will announce a new line of PC Card modems and Ethernet/modem combination cards offering 56 Kbps telecommunications to laptop usersShow full article

Yellow Box, Blue Box, Rhapsody & WWDC

Every year, Apple puts on the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), a pricey technical get-together for serious Macintosh programmers. Unlike trade shows such as Macworld Expo, WWDC isn't packed with hundreds of vendors; bag-carrying, button-clad attendees; and stages awash with marketers, headset microphones, and plenty of styling gelShow full article

A Spreadsheet for the Millennium

At a time when Apple and the Macintosh seem to be whirling in fragments around my head, the release of Spreadsheet 2000 from Casady & Greene has given my spirits a much needed liftShow full article

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