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Time for a Fetch Refresh?

In the Fetch FTP client, if you see a time stamp like "As of 6/19/10 2:29 PM" above the file list, that means that Fetch is re-using a file list it downloaded earlier. Click the swooshing-arrow refresh button (located beside the time stamp) to refresh the list.

Visit Fetch Softworks



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Other articles in the series Emailer 2.0


Previous: TidBITS 382 Next: TidBITS 384

Spinning for a Win

Spinning for a Win -- Optima Systems last week released PageSpinner 2.0, a text-oriented HTML editor. PageSpinner has retained its user-friendly approach (see my review of version 1.1b1 in TidBITS-327), making it an excellent choice for HTML newbies, but it has also added an impressive set of features that most any Web author will welcome, including support for cascading style sheets, frames, Java applets, and includes, which simplify updating common elements on a group of pagesShow full article

Beware Macro Viruses

Last week in TidBITS-382, I wrote a short piece warning people not to become complacent about viruses on the Macintosh. I received a number of notes, including one thanking me for the article (the reader ran Disinfectant, which promptly found virus infestations on his hard disk)Show full article

Emailer Followup

As the newest member of the TidBITS staff, I haven't yet adjusted to the increased load of email that arrives after an article or review appears in an issueShow full article

Border Wars on the Net

UUNET Technologies, a major, top-level Internet service provider with a multi-million dollar nationwide network, recently announced plans to phase out arrangements with other networks to carry Internet traffic free of charge across its network, unless the other networks had substantial, national investments in infrastructureShow full article

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