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Multi-Monitor iChat in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, on a multiple-monitor system where you're using screen sharing over iChat, dragging the tiny inset preview of your own screen to another monitor shifts the remote screen to that monitor.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Previous: TidBITS 393 Next: TidBITS 395

Remember This!

Remember This! In response to my rhetorical question asking if there is anything bad about Conflict Catcher (see TidBITS-393), L. Carl Pedersen noted that it's a very bad thing that such an elaborate tool as Conflict Catcher is useful and necessaryShow full article

German TidBITS Mailing List and Overseas Mirrors

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? If so, you may want to subscribe to our new mailing list for the German translation of TidBITS. The German translation, ably led by Walter JShow full article

Magazine Mergers, Media, and Advertising, Continued...

Talk about a topic that won't die. People obviously feel strongly about issues surrounding the Macintosh media and how it affects our world. We thought we'd share the following notes before letting the topic drop for the near future. Graeme Challis passed on the word that despite our comment about how the Macworld/MacUser merger affected only the U.SShow full article

Clone Licensing Brouhaha

My friend Cary Lu, author of the first Macintosh book and a contributing editor to Macworld, likes to tell how he was roundly booed for suggesting at Macworld Expo San Francisco in 1986 that Apple should license the Macintosh operating systemShow full article

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