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Move a File in the Finder

Sometimes you want to move a file in the Finder across volumes, not copy that file. Holding down the Command key while dragging ensures that the item is copied, and then its original deleted, adding up to a move.



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LetterRip 2.0 Available

LetterRip 2.0 Available -- Fog City Software has released LetterRip 2.0, their dead-simple mailing list management software. LetterRip 2.0 adds support for POP (eliminating the need for a dedicated Internet connection), message banners and footers, extensive Apple Event support, message processors, automatic subscribe and unsubscribe accounts (popularized by our and accounts), and multiple domainsShow full article

Straight from the RumorMill

Straight from the RumorMill -- Fans of Peter Lewis and Stairways Software will be pleased to note the release of RumorMill 1.0, a $35 shareware Usenet news server for the MacShow full article

Earth to Netscape: Communicator 4.01 Released

Netscape Communicator 4.01 is now available for the Macintosh. The software contains a suite of Internet tools for Web browsing, email, HTML publishing, receiving pushed data, and moreShow full article

Communications Decency Act Ruled Unconstitutional

And there was joy in Mudville, for the mighty CDA had struck out. On 26-Jun-97, the United States Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision (two justices dissented in part), ruled that the Communications Decency Act, better known as the CDA, violated the First Amendment of the United States ConstitutionShow full article

Spinning the Web Part 3: Basic Visual HTML Editing

The first two parts of this series looked at text-based HTML editors, programs that offer a great deal of control over the final product. Such editors force you to deal with HTML tags, a process that bores some, intimidates others, and generally falls outside the Macintosh tradition - most Mac users who monkey with HTML tags take about ten minutes to ask for a program that handles HTML behind the scenesShow full article

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