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Always Show Recipient In iChat

In iChat under Snow Leopard, choosing View > Always Show Recipient Bar puts a buddy's status message and color at the top of any iChat window. It can also be used to select among multiple open iChat logins you have to send a message to that buddy, or to select among multiple accounts you have registered in Address Book for that buddy.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

QuickTime 7.3.1 Fixes RTSP Vulnerability

Apple has released QuickTime 7.3.1, a security update that patches a potentially serious exploit (see "Protect Yourself from the QuickTime RTSP Vulnerability," 2007-09-07). Unlike many recent security issues on the Mac, malicious code that took advantage of the QuickTime RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) vulnerability was active in the wild: a specially crafted Web page could install malicious software on your computer. According to Apple's security release notes, QuickTime 7.3.1 fixes the flaw in RTSP as well as holes in QuickTime's Flash media handler.

Apple recommends the update for all users: it's available via Software Update and in standalone form for Leopard (52.6 MB), Tiger (48.7 MB), Panther (50.9 MB), and Microsoft Windows XP and Vista (20.3 MB).


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