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iCal Alerts You Can't Miss

Did you miss that tiny little iCal alert dialog? Use a more prominent Open File alarm.

First save an image, text file, sound, or movie that will really fill your screen and grab your attention.

Select an iCal event and choose Open File as the alert type. Choose your unmissable file as the one to open.

Set more alerts with more files to open for the same event if you like. You won't miss an appointment with one of these alerts!


Submitted by
Miraz Jordan



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Free Macworld Expo Boston Tickets

Free Macworld Expo Boston Tickets -- Macworld Conference and Expo in Boston is just around the calendar's corner (12-Jul-04 through 15-Jul-04), which means our friends at Peachpit Press once again have a batch of free passes to give away. To request a pair of passes (which are exhibits-only passes, normally $15 to $35), send an email message to <> with your name and postal address. The passes are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and Peachpit must receive all requests by 30-Jun-04. [JLC]



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