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Apple Posts $61 million Q3 Profit, Confirms G5 iMacs

Apple Posts $61 million Q3 Profit, Confirms G5 iMacs -- Despite problems meeting demand for its new iPod mini and being forced to delay new iMacs until September, Apple Computer announced a strong $61 million profit for its third fiscal quarter of 2004, on revenue of $2.014 billionShow full article

Interarchy 7.2 Sports Useful New Features

Interarchy 7.2 Sports Useful New Features -- Stairways Software's Interarchy is a venerable file transfer utility, but two new features in the recently released Interarchy 7.2 are sure to be helpful to many usersShow full article

TidBITS Goes Med Confusion

TidBITS Goes Med Confusion -- Apparently my previous announcement of the week-long iPhoto workshops and photo safari that Tonya and I are leading during November 7th to 13th of this year on the Mediterranean island of Gozo caused a bit of confusionShow full article

Apple Introduces Click Wheel iPods

Apple revamped its iPod lineup today, making the portable music player more attractive to music lovers. Although still based on the basic white iPod design, the new model incorporates a "click wheel," the innovative controller introduced with the iPod mini (see "iPod mini Joins Successful Music Player Line")Show full article

Macworld Expo in Boston: Past, Present, and Future

It's been the better part of a decade since Boston hosted Macworld Expo, and those of us who haven't been back since the early East Coast expos in Boston were interested to see the massive changes to the city: a huge freeway had been torn down and stuffed underground in tunnels, the area around the World Trade Center looks far less like an industrial wasteland (and more like a city), and the huge new Boston Convention & Exhibition Center is so new that the carpet squeaked in places. Past -- Macworld Expo on the East Coast - whether in Boston or New York City - has been characterized by heat and humidity, a loud and dynamic show floor, and a large and broad representation of all that is Macintosh. The recent Macworld Expo in Boston failed to deliver on any of those items, but as Expo Conference Chair Paul Kent described it, comparing this year's Expo to those in the past would be comparing apples to orangesShow full article

Rating Macworld Expo Boston 2004

A few weeks ago I wrote an article proposing a way that industry conferences could be rated (though it was also a subtle nudge to conference organizers)Show full article

Macworld Expo Boston 2004 Superlatives

Despite Macworld Expo's small number of exhibitors and reduced attendance, there was no lack of superlatives, both interesting products and notable observations. Don't Try This While Driving -- Apple Specialist Tech Superpowers ended up with a bigger booth than they'd expected, so they decided to have some fun filling the spaceShow full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/19-Jul-04

The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be much faster, though it doesn't yet use our preferred design. Adding Ethernet to a Power Mac -- Following Adam's article about replacing the Ethernet card in his Power Mac G4, readers discuss adding gigabit Ethernet to older machinesShow full article

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