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Triple-Click to Select Entire Lines

Everyone knows about double-clicking to select words, but did you know that you can, in most applications, triple-click to select an entire line or paragraph?



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Using Applications

  • (31) Dragging a document onto an application icon launches the application and opens the document. You can use this technique with ResEdit to open the resource fork of any file.

  • (32) If you need to find out exactly how much memory an application is using, turn on Balloon Help and point at the thermometer in "About This Macintosh."

  • (33) If you hold down the option key while switching to another application (via the application menu or by clicking in its window) the Finder hides the application that you switched out of.

  • (34) The functionality of the old Drive button in the System 6 Standard File Dialog box can be achieved in System 7 by pressing Command-LeftArrow or Command-RightArrow.

  • (35) Font/DA Mover version 4.1 (which is System 7 compatible) does not ship with 7.0. Version 4.1 is available on AppleLink, other electronic services, and from dealers. Older versions will not launch from the Finder 7, and if you use a launching utility like DiskTop, they will not work with TrueType fonts. You mainly need Font/DA Mover 4.1 to install the WordFinder Thesaurus DA into Word 4 or MacWrite (hold down option while clicking the Open button in the Font/DA Mover to open Word or MacWrite) for WordFinder to work.

  • (36) To quit out of an application immediately and awkwardly, hit command-option-escape. After using it you should restart. On a non-ADB keyboard I hear that command-option-tilde does the same thing.


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