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Easy Fetch Upload

If you want to upload an open file (e.g. in Photoshop or BBEdit) to a remote server via the Fetch FTP client, you can use drag-and drop without switching to the Finder. Just drag the small document icon in the window title bar to a Fetch window. If the icon won't drag, make sure the file is saved.

Visit Fetch Softworks



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 99 Next: TidBITS 101

TidBITS in new format

Welcome to TidBITS-100 and our new setext format! The term "setext" stands for "structure-enhanced text" and we have designed and optimized the format for use primarily by online publications such as TidBITS (i.e., 7-bit text only)Show full article

ResEdit Template Goof

ResEdit Template Goof -- In our last issue, which was the last HyperCard stack, I had planned to include a ResEdit fmnu template to aid in editing the System 7 Finder (for those of you who didn't see that issue, it included a number of ways to modify your Finder to make it faster, more useful, or merely different)Show full article

RasterOps 364 Video Bug

RasterOps 364 Video Bug -- Mark H. Anbinder writes: Owners of the RasterOps 364 video card for the SE/30 who have tried using System 7 may find that they get occasional, unexplainable system errors (usually reported by the Mac as bus errors)Show full article


Again, from Mark H. Anbinder. On page 97 of the Macintosh User's Guide for PowerBook computers, there is an illustration showing how to insert a battery into the PowerBook 140/170 rechargerShow full article

Word 5 Impressions

Microsoft has begun shipping Word 5 for the Macintosh, and everyone seems to have questions about the it. Is it any good? Is it worth $129 upgrade? Will it work with my computer? Should I run right out and buy Nisus? I won't attempt to even begin to answer all these questions, but I can give a couple of my early impressions, some interesting and hopefully useful information, and some important installation tipsShow full article

PowerBook 170 Review

My initial reaction to the PowerBook 170 was WOW! So, I thought I might use it for a couple of weeks before writing down my impressions. Now that I've used the PowerBook 170 long enough for the initial dazzle to wear off, my considered impression is WOW! One of the first things I did was run a Speedometer comparison of the PowerBook 170 and the IIci (with cache card)Show full article

BAT Updates

I've written in the past about the cute personal organizer (nanocomputer?) from Infogrip called the miniBAT. I've used one since early August when Ward Bond, Infogrip's president, sent me one to tryShow full article

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