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Editing iCal Events in Snow Leopard

Snow Leopard makes looking at event details in iCal easier. In the Leopard version of iCal, you had to double-click an event to reveal only some information in a pop-up box; you then needed to click the Edit button (or press Command-E) to edit an item's information. In Snow Leopard, choose Edit > Show Inspector (or press Command-Option-I) to bring up a floating inspector that provides an editable view of any items selected in your calendar.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Macworld Quotes

I thought you might enjoy these quotes and notes from Macworld San Francisco. Nothing serious here, or is there?

"Steve Jobs is like herpes. He's never going to go away." -Guy Kawasaki, speaking about NeXT.

"The difference between Sculley and me is that I know I don't have vision." -Guy Kawasaki, when asked about his opinion of John Sculley.

"The first time is science; the second time is engineering, and I'm a scientist." -paraphrased from the inimitable Cliff Stoll, when talking about catching hackers.

And finally, though not exactly a quote, we'd like to acknowledge MacWEEK's cleverly and ambidextrously presented awards. One hand gave Microsoft Word 5.1 the 1992 Diamond award for word processing, saying that "Microsoft has [...] made the program easier to use and more powerful." With its other hand, MacWEEK presented Microsoft with a 1992 Dubious Achievement award. This one was the "The Easy Way Award," which went to Word 5.1, "the only 'ease-of-use' upgrade that managed to make an already difficult program even harder to use. What do those icons mean anyway?" Hmm...

Related articles:
MacWEEK -- 14-Dec-92, Vol. 6, #44, pg. 72
MacWEEK -- 04-Jan-93, Vol. 7, #1, pg. 34


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