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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Lots of people have asked us where they can get the 32-bit Enabler and the Macintosh Hardware System Update. As yet, they have not appeared where the net public can find themShow full article

Online Books

Fred Berg writes: Parts of "The Internet Companion" by Tracey LaQuey and Jeanne C. Ryer, which was reviewed in TidBITS-164, are available via anonymous FTP from in the directory: . Barry Shein adds: Further chapters will be released in the futureShow full article

Connectix Online Offer

Connectix, makers of Connectix PowerBook Utilities (CPU), Virtual 3.0, MAXIMA, Hand-Off II, and the new InfoLog, is offering lower than normal prices to online services usersShow full article

Apple Repair, Continued

Just as our modem issue garnered many comments that you'll see in a future issue, so did Fred Condo's open letter complaining about Apple's repair policiesShow full article

February Mac BYTE Benchmarks

BYTE Senior Tech Editor at Large According to preliminary BYTE low-level benchmarks, the new Macs introduced 10-Feb-93 are performance winnersShow full article

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