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Go Back and Forth Fast in Preview

If you're reading a PDF in Apple's Preview software, and you follow a bookmark or an internal link to move around within the PDF, you can quickly return to where you were by pressing the keyboard shortcut Command-[ (that's Command-Left Bracket). Or, you can choose Go > Back.

The command works iteratively, so you can go back to just the previously viewed page or if you issue the command again, to the page before that, and so on. There's also an equivalent Go > Forward (Command-]).



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

VAMP After Dark Contest

VAMP (Vereniging Actieve Mac Programmeurs - Association for Active Mac Programmers), a Dutch non-profit association, is organizing a programming competition for After Dark module programers.

Unlike similar contests sponsored by After Dark developer Berkeley

-- Systems, VAMP will choose a winner based solely on programming creativity and skill, rather than visual aesthetics. Perhaps the best comparison would be with the annual MacHack contest for best hack.

Entries must consist of a completed After Dark module accompanied with full source code that runs with After Dark 2.0w or later, on a Macintosh using System 6.0.7 or later.

VAMP must receive entries before 31-Dec-93, and judging should be complete by April of 1994. Prizes consist of $500 for the overall winner and $250 for the runner-up, along with the "Symantec Special Prize" (the winner's choice of a Symantec Macintosh Development Environment). Entries will also be submitted to Berkeley Systems for publication, which may result in additional prize money.

For more information via automatic reply, please send email to:
-- Information from:
John W. Sinteur --


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