This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-05-03 at 12:00 p.m.
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VAMP After Dark Contest

by Adam C. Engst

VAMP (Vereniging Actieve Mac Programmeurs - Association for Active Mac Programmers), a Dutch non-profit association, is organizing a programming competition for After Dark module programers.

Unlike similar contests sponsored by After Dark developer Berkeley

-- Systems, VAMP will choose a winner based solely on programming creativity and skill, rather than visual aesthetics. Perhaps the best comparison would be with the annual MacHack contest for best hack.

Entries must consist of a completed After Dark module accompanied with full source code that runs with After Dark 2.0w or later, on a Macintosh using System 6.0.7 or later.

VAMP must receive entries before 31-Dec-93, and judging should be complete by April of 1994. Prizes consist of $500 for the overall winner and $250 for the runner-up, along with the "Symantec Special Prize" (the winner's choice of a Symantec Macintosh Development Environment). Entries will also be submitted to Berkeley Systems for publication, which may result in additional prize money.

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John W. Sinteur --