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Sleep (and Lock) Your Screen

When you are walking away from your computer, it's fairly common practice to start your screen saver and lock your screen. But did you know that there is a built-in keyboard shortcut in Mac OS X to sleep the screen?

Press Control-Shift-Eject and your monitor sleeps without engaging the screen saver.

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TidBITS 3.0

We don't know how many of you have been with us since TidBITS#001, but those who have might realize that this issue marks the beginning of the fourth year of TidBITSShow full article

WorldScript info

WorldScript info is available from Apple at 800/776-2333, so if you have questions about what script modules are available or how to get them, call that number and choose either 4 or 5 from the voicemail systemShow full article

ThoughtPattern Discontinued

ThoughtPattern Discontinued -- Stephen Zagerman of Bananafish Software announced that the company has suspended all marketing and technical support for ThoughtPattern and is searching for a U.SShow full article

TeleFinder 3.0

TeleFinder 3.0 -- Spider Island Software, makers of the graphical BBS software TeleFinder, announced version 3.0 of the TeleFinder Group Edition Host software, which can be fully controlled via Apple events and Frontier or AppleScriptShow full article

Sleeping Floppies

Sleeping Floppies -- Rich Wolfson , author of The PowerBook Companion, passes on this helpful PowerBook hint. Apple tells you to shut down the PowerBook 100 before attaching the external floppy driveShow full article

CD Funkiness

The internal AppleCD 300 may not have a headphone jack or volume control, but it's not entirely featureless. If you unplug the microphone you can record 10 seconds of sound from an audio CD in the Sound Control panelShow full article

HFS Infestation

I don't know if there is a Pulitzer Prize in computer journalism, but if there were I'd nominate Ric Ford of MacWEEK for this year. Fighting with problems on his Macs, Ric tracked down a subtle and confusing bug that has lurked for years within HFS, the Hierarchical Filing SystemShow full article

Apple's 16-bit Solution

I was saddened to read of the Quadra 700's demise. Once again, Apple has cancelled a model which, despite clear advantages, doesn't fit into their price and product line structureShow full article

System 7 FAQ

System 7 has been out for several years now, and although some people have yet to switch to it (mostly for incorrect reasons or because it's too much trouble), System 7 is probably the most common System version in useShow full article

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