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Open Multiple Items from Stacks

Want to open multiple items from a stack in the Dock? Hold down the Option key while clicking them to keep the stack visible while the documents open.

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InterCon Releases TCP/Connect II 2.2

InterCon Releases TCP/Connect II 2.2 -- InterCon Systems announced last week it's currently shipping version 2.2 of its TCP/Connect II integrated Internet connectivity software (see TidBITS-276). This version features numerous bug fixes and enhancements (particularly to its Web client), along with clickable URLs in mail messages and better handling of automatic file transfers. Registered users should contact InterCon for upgrade options and information. Demo versions of TCP/Connect II 2.2 are available online as well (about 4 MB). [GD]

InterCon Systems -- 800/468-7266 -- 703/709-5500 -- <> Demo_Software/TCP_Connect_II_2.2_ Demo.hqx


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