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Undelete an iPhone Voicemail Message

There's no Command-Z in the Phone app, but you may be able to retrieve a deleted voicemail message: Open the Voicemail screen in the Phone app. At the bottom of the screen, tap Deleted Messages. To restore a listed message, tap it and then click Undelete.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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It's a Whole New Yahoo

It's a Whole New Yahoo -- In news that made it all the way to CNN last week, Yahoo! Corporation - maintainers of arguably the most widely-used catalog of the World Wide Web - announced they will be introducing a new interface on 31-Jul-95, along with directly incorporating hourly wire service newsfeeds from ReutersShow full article

PageMaker 6.0 Announced

PageMaker 6.0 Announced -- Adobe has announced PageMaker 6.0, a long-awaited update to its widely-used publishing application recently acquired in its purchase of AldusShow full article

Anarchie 1.6 Released

Anarchie 1.6 Released -- Peter Lewis has released version 1.6 of his popular Internet FTP client Anarchie. New in this version of Anarchie are Open Transport compatibility and a few interface enhancements (click the transfer indicator fields in the transfer progress windows, and almost everything in the About box is now hot) in addition to optional Simple Internet Version Control (SIVC)Show full article

FWB Correction

FWB Correction -- The contact information given for FWB, Inc. in the article on quad-speed CD-ROMs last week in TidBITS-287 was partially incorrect. FWB's main phone number is 415/325-4392, with a fax number at 415/883-4655Show full article

New Virus Targets HyperCard Stacks

Antiviral utility developers today announced the recent discovery of a virus that infects HyperCard stacks. The "HC-9507" virus infects HyperCard's Home stack when an infected stack is executed, and from there spreads to other running stacks and randomly-chosen stacks on the startup diskShow full article

CE Goes to School

In the late 1970s and through the 1980s, Apple dominated the education market by donating computers to school districts and colleges, and by making many more available at steep discountsShow full article

Let the Buyer Beware

There has been a recent spate of reports on the nets and to TidBITS regarding warranty service on Macintosh computers through third-party mail order vendors, such as those advertising in the backs of Mac trade magazinesShow full article

The User Over Your Shoulder - Malign Neglect

More than ten weeks after U.S. customers began receiving the Word 6.0.1 update, it became available in New Zealand. Anyone calling Microsoft from New Zealand was told they had to deal with Microsoft NZ, and then - airplanes be damned - it was popped on the slow boat to save a buckShow full article

Claris Emailer Ships

[Claris announced last week that it has released Emailer, an all-in-one email application. The following text is excerpted and edited from Adam's just-released Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh, Third EditionShow full article

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