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Simplify Similar Syncs with ChronoSync Templates

You can create an unlimited number of ChronoSync documents with numerous settings and options that control your synchronizations. If you find yourself needing to create many similar ChronoSync documents, consider using templates.

Just create a ChronoSync document and set all the options the way you want them. Choose File > Save as Template to save the ChronoSync document as a template, and then open it in the future when creating a new ChronoSync document.

Search on "template" in ChronoSync Help for all the details.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Beta Java Development Kit Released for Mac

Beta Java Development Kit Released for Mac -- Javasoft, Sun's subsidiary handling Java development, has released the first beta of its Java Developer's Kit (JDK) for Macintosh. The JDK includes a Java Applet viewer and a Java Compiler, as well as sample Java applets and API documentation for programmers. Though these materials are preliminary, there's more than enough here for programmers to start experimenting with Sun's Virtual Machine (VM) implementation. One important fact: the materials run on Power Macs and 68K Macs with a 68030 processor or better, putting to rest persistent rumors that Sun's VM would only be available for Power Macs. If you aren't a developer, have 3 MB of free RAM and System 7.5, and absolutely must use Java today, the Java Applet Viewer can be used to run applets downloaded from Internet sites. The binhexed version of the JDK weighs in at about 3 MB. [GD]


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