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Spin Through Toolbar View Options

Although many people never change their toolbars from the default settings, all standard toolbars on the Mac offer six states: icon only, text only, and icon and text, with all three coming in normal and small size. You can change them by choosing View > Customize Toolbar.

But there's a shortcut that makes it easier to check out each variant. Simply Command-click the toolbar lozenge at the upper right of a window, and the toolbar switches to the next view. Click it enough times, and you cycle back to the start.



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Smart Licensing Move

Smart Licensing Move -- On 19-Feb-96 Apple announced a licensing agreement that allows Motorola to distribute the Mac OS with computer systems based on Power Macintosh designs and the PowerPC Platform specification. For the first time, today's agreement allows a Mac OS licensee to sublicense the Mac OS to other computer manufacturers. This means that Motorola could sell Mac OS compatible motherboards or complete systems to other manufacturers for resale under other labels. Apple says they will retain control over certification of systems sold with the Mac OS. [MHA] /1996/q2/


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