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Expand Finder Columns Quickly

Column view in the Finder is great for navigating through your disk's hierarchy, but the columns often aren't wide enough to show the full names of all the files. To expand a column to a width that will show all file names in their entirety, double-click the handle that you would normally drag to expand or shrink the column. To expand all the visible columns to that width, Option-double-click the handle.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Cyberdog Beta Available for Power Macs

Cyberdog Beta Available for Power Macs -- Last week, Apple released the first beta version of Cyberdog, its long-awaited OpenDoc-based Internet technology. Cyberdog b1 requires a Power Mac, OpenDoc 1.0, System 7.5.1 or later, Internet Config 1.2, and (of course) a TCP/IP connection to the Internet. Because Cyberdog uses OpenDoc, you realistically need at least 16 MB of RAM to run it. Although initial reports that I've seen have varied, the general impression of the beta seems to be positive, and it's an excellent demonstration of OpenDoc's potential. The beta release is about 5 MB to download, not including OpenDoc. [GD]


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