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Open Recent Office 2008 Docs by Date

Office 2008 applications like Word and Excel now list recently opened documents on a File > Open Recent submenu. Choose More from that menu, and you'll get a multifunction Project Gallery dialog. Click the Recent button at the top and then select a date range in the Dates list to find files that were last opened today, yesterday, earlier in the week, last week, and so forth. (The Settings pane in the Project Gallery dialog lets you set how many recently opened files show in the File > Open Recent submenu.)



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 314 Next: TidBITS 316

New URL Format

New URL Format -- We've finally bowed to pressure and will be listing URLs with angle brackets around them, starting next week with TidBITS-316. We've resisted making this change because our previous URL style was almost completely unambiguous, and we didn't want to add unnecessary characters to each URLShow full article

Chat with Tonya

Chat with Tonya -- I'm currently warming up my fingers for Tuesday night, 20-Feb-96, because I'll be the featured person at an America Online conference about Web authoring (I can also answer some TidBITS questions)Show full article

Smart Licensing Move

Smart Licensing Move -- On 19-Feb-96 Apple announced a licensing agreement that allows Motorola to distribute the Mac OS with computer systems based on Power Macintosh designs and the PowerPC Platform specificationShow full article

Beta Java Development Kit Released for Mac

Beta Java Development Kit Released for Mac -- Javasoft, Sun's subsidiary handling Java development, has released the first beta of its Java Developer's Kit (JDK) for MacintoshShow full article

Cyberdog Beta Available for Power Macs

Cyberdog Beta Available for Power Macs -- Last week, Apple released the first beta version of Cyberdog, its long-awaited OpenDoc-based Internet technologyShow full article

Shockwave Beta 1 Netscape Plug-In

Shockwave Beta 1 Netscape Plug-In -- Macromedia has released beta 1 of the Mac version its Shockwave Plug-in for Netscape Navigator 2.0, which allows Netscape to download and play multimedia content created in Macromedia DirectorShow full article

Corel "Quadrupling" Mac Team

Corel "Quadrupling" Mac Team -- In an apparent effort to squash speculation it will not pursue development of WordPerfect for Macintosh (see TidBITS-313), Corel announced it is "nearly quadrupling" its Macintosh development staff and plans to release CorelDraw for Macintosh this JuneShow full article

Netscape Live3D

Netscape Live3D -- Last Friday, Netscape announced that it plans to acquire Paper Software Inc., makers of the popular WebFX VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language) software for WindowsShow full article

Royal Software Acquires Heizer

Royal Software Acquires Heizer -- Royal Software, Inc. and Heizer Software jointly announced on 17-Feb-96 that Royal Software will acquire Heizer General CorpShow full article

Reviews Survey

We're considering dropping our Reviews column, and we want to know what you think of the idea. The Reviews column is located at the end of each TidBITS issue, and lists product reviews from several major Macintosh magazinesShow full article

Man Wins... This Time

If he hadn't lost the first game, world chess champion Garry Kasparov says, a false sense of security might have gotten him in trouble in last week's historic man-versus-machine chess match against a massively parallel IBM SP supercomputerShow full article

The Telecommunications Act: The Good, Bad, and Unknown

Amidst much hoopla, on 08-Feb-96 President Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 into law. This law has been almost universally condemned by the online community due to a single provision making it a felony to distribute "indecent" materials to minorsShow full article

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