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Wake On Demand in Snow Leopard

Putting your Mac to sleep saves power, but it also disrupts using your Mac as a file server, among other purposes. Wake on Demand in Snow Leopard works in conjunction with an Apple base station to continue announcing Bonjour services that the sleeping computer offers.

While the requirements for this feature are complex, eligible users can toggle this feature in the Energy Saver preference pane. It's labeled Wake on Network Access for computers that can be roused either via Wi-Fi or Ethernet; Wake on Ethernet Network Access or Wake on AirPort Network Access for wired- or wireless-only machines, respectively. Uncheck the box to disable this feature.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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DealBITS Drawing: DLexpo Free Passes

If you're with commuting distance of Long Beach, California and have some free time at the end of this week (13-Aug-04 through 15-Aug-04), you might want to check out a new trade show that's just starting up: DLexpo, or the Digital Lifestyle Expo. (If you're not near Long Beach or are busy this weekend, note that DLexpo will be in New York City in late September and in Atlanta, Georgia, in mid-November, with many other cities under consideration for 2005).


As you might expect from the name, DLexpo is heavily Macintosh-oriented and will be showcasing the latest digital tools, including DV cameras, Bluetooth cell phones, MP3 players, professional audio products, and the software that goes with all this hardware. Along with the show floor, there will be a number of presentations and workshops running throughout DLexpo, including a feature presentation from Apple's Rhonda Stratton, the director of product marketing for QuickTime. Unlike many conferences that charge one steep fee for everything, DLexpo has chosen an a la carte approach: attendance normally costs $10 for the show floor, $100 for the Saturday and Sunday symposium presentations (which includes the show floor), and $25 per day for the Saturday and Sunday workshops given by people like Andy Ihnatko and David Pogue. There's also a 3.5-hour DV workshop led by Josh Mellicker of for $59 and a 3-hour Nikon Digital Camera Workshop that costs $300 but that includes a 3.2 megapixel Nikon 3200 Coolpix camera that you get to keep. Despite the a la carte approach, it could add up, and that's where this week's DealBITS drawing comes in.

DLexpo is giving away five VIP passes that give you free admittance to the show floor, the Saturday and Sunday symposiums, and the Saturday and Sunday workshops: a $150 value. For those who don't win, DLexpo is still offering a discount that will significantly cut all the prices (even more for students and educators), so if you think you might want to go, be sure to enter at the DealBITS page linked below. As always, all information gathered is covered by our comprehensive privacy policy. Check your spam filters, since you must be able to receive email from my address to learn if you've won. Because this instance of DLexpo is happening so soon, I'm closing the DealBITS drawing at 11:59 PM (Pacific) on Wednesday night, 11-Aug-04, and I'll notify everyone via email the next morning of the winners and discount codes. You can register to attend DLexpo at any time, even after the show starts.



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