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Full Screen Quick Look in Snow Leopard

When viewing files in the Finder in Snow Leopard, instead of pressing just the Space bar to enter Quick Look, press Option-Space to display the selected document in full-screen Quick Look, expanding the preview and hiding everything else that would otherwise remain visible.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Let TypeIt4Me Type It For You

Let TypeIt4Me Type It For You -- There used to be a New York City subway ad that read, "If u c rd ths, u c gt a gd jb as a sec." The ad suggested that you were intelligent for realizing that this stood for, "If you can read this, you can get a good job as a secretary." This was supposed to make you want to attend the school that sponsored the ad, where presumably you'd learn a whole set of quick abbreviations for use in your secretarial note-takingShow full article

AirPort Driver Update 2004-08-31 Released

AirPort Driver Update 2004-08-31 Released -- Apple released AirPort Driver Update 2004-08-31 last week, which improves reliability on networks with mixed 802.11b (AirPort) and 802.11g (AirPort Extreme) signals, according to the update's descriptionShow full article

DealBITS Drawing: FMChecker Winners

DealBITS Drawing: FMChecker Winners -- Congratulations to Adrian Smith of, Sassan Tabrizi of, Michael J Rath of, Murray Sihvon of, and Russ Cusimano of, whose entries were chosen randomly in last week's DealBITS drawing and who each received a copy of's FMCheckerShow full article

iMac G5: Goodbye Arm, Hello Slab!

At Apple Expo in Paris last week, Apple announced the iMac G5, the latest generation of the company's all-in-one consumer level computer. Gone is the hemispherical base and articulated arm of the previous iMacShow full article

Internet Music Battles Heat Up

Apple's announcement last week of the iTunes Affiliate Program, iTunes on Campus, and the iTunes Volume Discount program represents the next escalation in what is turning into a heated battle for control of the Internet music services (which is somewhat surprising, given that no one is yet making money on music sales, something that may never happen)Show full article

The Well-Worn NoteBook

Normally, Matt Neuburg looks at all the text management and snippet keeping utilities for TidBITS, but back when AquaMinds' NoteTaker and Circus Ponies' NoteBook were coming out, he dove into NoteTaker (see "Take Note of NoteTaker" in TidBITS-677) and I opted to take a look at NoteBookShow full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/06-Sep-04

The second URL below each thread description points to the discussion on our Web Crossing server, which will be much faster. New iMac G5 impressions -- The new machines prompt talk about which components are included (and excluded), as well as hands-on reports from people at the Paris Apple ExpoShow full article

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