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Sites which contain the word over

1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters Spanish
The (Almost) Complete Guide to WWW in Israel
American and British History Resources on the Internet
The American Civil War Homepage
American Slave Narratives
Ancient World Web
Anti-Imperialism in the United States, 1898-1935
Author's Pen
Bibliomania, The Network Library
Booklist: Books for Youth
Britannica Guide to Black History
Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP)
A Commemoration of the Great Famine (Ireland 1845)
Diccionario Anaya de la Lengua
e. e. cummings
Energy Efficiency and Renewably Energy Network (EREN)
Enola Gay Perspectives
EyeWitness: History Through The Eyes Of Those Who Lived It
FAQ Finder
Flying Inkpot Presents International News Links
Gardel El WWW SERVER de la Red de Argentinos
Headbone Zone
High School Lessons
History of Mathematics Web Sites
History of Mathematics
Human Anatomy On-line
Humanities Scholarship
Journey North
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
King Arthur: History and Legend
Latino Web: Newspapers and Magazines
Live from Mars
Math Animation Gallery
Midi Olympique L'Hebdo du Rugby
Military History
Molecular Expressions: Images from the Microscope
Mr. Solar Home Page
Mysterious Places
Nando Times
National Academy Press Reading Room
National Park Service: Nature Net
NetSERF: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources
Nova Online
A People at War
Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
Pitsco's Ask an Expert
Progress of Nations
Project Vote-Smart
Rodale Institute
Romance Novels and Women's Fiction
The Rosenberg Communiqués
Sábado Gigante Internacional
Saigon.com: The Refugee Experience
San Diego Zoo/Zoological Society of San Diego
Science and the Environment
Science Methods Activities and Demos
Science of Hockey
Sea and Sky
Secrets of the Norman Invasion
The Sikhism Home Page
Teen Court
Teleport Mini Features: WebSpy Cams
This Day in History
Tracking Drifter Buoys
U-boat Net: The U-boat War 1939-1945
U.S. Air Force Museum
The Ultimate Collections of News Links
Understanding Our Planet Through Chemistry
Vincent Voice Library
Virtual Museum of Computing
Voice of America Gopher Menu
Wacky Web Tales
What a Steal! or What a Ripoff?
William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
Zona Latina: Latin American Children's Resources
The Zuzu's Petals Literary Resource Homepage