Carpatho-Rusyn Society
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Chapter Events




Lake Erie

National Capital, DC

New England

New Jersey

Pittsburgh, PA




    On June 16, 2002, a re-organizational meeting of the National Capital Chapter of the Carpatho-Rusyn Society was held at the Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale, Virginia. The objective of the meeting was to re-organize and re-energize the chapter by electing officers in accordance with the C-RS guidelines. Needless to say, the objectives were accomplished.

    The following C-RS members were elected to serve as chapter leadership: President, Tom Brenzovich; Vice President, Elaine Rusinko (Potomac, MD); Treasurer, Victor Haburchak (McLean, VA); Planning Council Members -- Larry Brindza (Burke, VA), Rich Custer (Washington, DC), Duane Gory (Falls Church, VA), John Kasper (Annandale, VA), Joe Kopka (Woodbridge, VA), Kim Krett-Gerst (Rockville, MD), Mary Onufrak (McLean, VA), and Pat Onufrak (Falls Church, VA). The position of secretary was not filled at the time, however within a couple of weeks after the meeting, Eileen McKinney (Ashburn, VA) came forward and agreed to be the chapter's secretary. Eileen was appointed secretary at the board's first official meeting.

    Since the June meeting, planning has been underway for the chapter's upcoming events. The first of these will be a presentation by Joe Parimucha (C-RS, Alexandria, VA) on his research on the Rusyn wooden churches in eastern Slovakia. Joe is also the architect who designed the Rusyn wooden church being built at Camp Nazareth in Mercer, Pa. The board plans to hold some type of membership event every quarter for this first year. In addition, the board has been busy organizing itself by establishing several standing committees. These are: Events, Finance, Public Relations, and Cultural/Educational. A board member currently chairs each committee. We extend an invitation to any National Capital Chapter member to help serve on any of these committees. If you are interested, please contact the chapter president, Tom Brenzovich, or any chapter board member.

    The chapter board’s primary objective is to provide chapter members with the opportunity to feel that their membership in the chapter and the National C-RS has a meaning and purpose. The chapter is very fortunate to have a group of very dedicated individuals who are willing to put their time and effort into making the National Capital Chapter a viable one. However, the board is only a small part of the overall chapter--they can’t do it alone! The support and commitment of chapter members is of the utmost importance. With our chapter members’ participation and involvement, our chapter can only succeed. So please: support the events by attending; be willing to help on a committee or event; provide input and suggestions for programs or events. Remember that this chapter will only be as good as you want it to be!