Carpatho-Rusyn Society
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Chapter Events




Lake Erie

National Capital, DC

New England

New Jersey

Pittsburgh, PA




The National Capital Chapter of the Carpatho-Rusyn Society, located in the metropolitan Washington, D.C. area, was host on November 17, 2001 to Professor Paul R. Magocsi, president of the Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center, who was in town for the annual convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS).

About 30 members from the Maryland/Virginia/D.C. metropolitan area and as far south as North Carolina and as far north/east as Minersville and Philadelphia, Pa., were in attendance. The meeting began in the traditional way, with the singing of “Ja Rusyn byl” (I was, am, and will be a Rusyn).

Professor Magocsi addressed the group much as he had at the recent World Congress of Rusyns in Prague, by surveying the last 12 years of the “Rusyn revival” in the homeland and especially on the concrete progress made for Rusyns by the holding of the six World Congresses. Magocsi also encouraged the National Capital Chapter members to capitalize on their unique position of proximity to the U.S. government and so many embassies of the countries of East Central Europe, to make Rusyns and information about their current situation well known to influential policy-makers, non-governmental organizations, and information agencies.

After a short period of refreshments and socializing, a discussion was held on a strategy for revitalizing the organization and activities of the National Capital Chapter. The members agreed that there is still great potential in the region for having an active, vibrant C-RS Chapter.

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