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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
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Anthropomorphic Fonts in CollegeHumor Video

Check out this hilarious video of "fonts" at a conference. Show full article

Stop the iPod touch's Constant Beeping

Is your iPod touch beeping constantly after being upgraded to 2.0? Adam explains the problem and passes on two somewhat unsatisfactory solutions.Show full article

Apple Reports Billion Dollar Profit for Q3 2008

Apple posted a $1.07 billion profit on revenues of $7.46 billion, a significant improvement over last year's profit of $818 million on revenue of $5.41 billion.Show full article

iTunes 7.7 Corrupts Accented Artist and Track Names

iTunes 7.7 contains a subtle bug that can convert accented characters in artist and track names into other characters, rendering the names incorrect or even unreadable. Never fear, though, since there's a workaround.Show full article

Google Gmail Adds Secure Session Option

Google at last enables always-on security for its Gmail service, while also revealing the locations from which your account has been accessed recently. Show full article

MobileMe Status Page Promises Updates, But Tone Rings Flat

Apple's veil of secrecy remains largely intact in a non-apology that provides information for MobileMe users whose stored email is unavailable. Show full article

Prepping Web Images with iWatermark

Looking for a tool that will put textual or graphical watermarks on your photos or other images? Check out Script Software's iWatermark, which provides useful watermarking tools along with a number of other image prep capabilities, such as resizing, thumbnail creation, and file conversion.Show full article

Apple Fails to Patch Critical Exploited DNS Flaw

Apple has made its biggest security stumble ever by not releasing a necessary patch for a serious DNS exploit that allows any domain name to be redirected to any IP address. Show full article

TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 28-Jul-08

Notable software releases so far this week include Firefox 3.0.1, Default Folder X 4.0.7, Typinator 3.1, PDFpen (and PDFpen Pro) 3.5, Keyboard Maestro 3.3, Skype, minor changes to iLife '08, and AirPort Extreme Update 2008-002.Show full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/28-Jul-08

This week's discussions cover continued problems with MobileMe, how to cope with the theft of a laptop, synchronizing iPhones, and more.Show full article

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