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Quick Download of Multiple Attachments in Apple Mail

To download a bunch of attachments quickly, look in the header of the email message that they came in. Make sure the triangle adjacent to the paperclip icon is pointing to the right (click the triangle if needed), and then drag the paperclip icon to your Desktop or to another folder. Release the mouse button and all attachments copy to that location.

Visit Take Control of Apple Mail in Snow Leopard



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 939 Next: TidBITS 941

MobileMe Mail and Gmail Go Down Simultaneously

It's almost certainly unrelated, but email services from both Apple and Google went dark today for several hours.Show full article

iPhone Apps That Go Beyond Entertainment

Isn't it interesting that of the top paid and free apps for the iPhone and iPod touch, more than two-thirds of them are games or other forms of entertainment? But never fear, if you want your iPhone or iPod touch to make your real life easier, a few actually useful apps are available.Show full article

Backing up Photos While Traveling

When you're on vacation, backing up your Mac probably isn't high on your list of things to do. But you should protect your vacation photos, which could easily disappear with a slip in the ocean or a lost piece of luggage. Here's how (complete with some pictures of our recent trip to Wales).Show full article

Sky Dayton Steps Down from EarthLink

Sky Dayton leaves EarthLink, the company he founded 14 years ago as one of the first providers of Internet service to the masses.Show full article

Garmin nuvi 255W Focuses on Navigation

Garmin's basic nuvi 255W GPS pares back inessential features to offer an inexpensive GPS that provides excellent navigational capabilities without confusing extras.Show full article

TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 11-Aug-08

Notable software releases so far this week include iPhone 2.0.1 and Nisus Writer Express 3.1.Show full article

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/11-Aug-08

This week's TidBITS Talk discussions concern the iPhone's accelerometer, making Entourage (or another email application) the default program for the Mail PDF command in the Print dialog, the strange case of a suddenly unformatted backup hard disk, walking directions provided by online maps, and the susceptibility of phishing attacks in Safari on the Mac.Show full article

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