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Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/28-Jul-08

iPhone 3G car accessories -- Which accessories work with the iPhone 3G? Some items that worked with the previous iPhone don't function properly with the new model. (8 messages)

MobileMe Fails to Work -- Readers who are having trouble with MobileMe share their experiences. (3 messages)

Vanity Spreads to Top-Level Domain Names -- Don't expect to see a .engst domain name anytime soon. (3 messages)

TidBITS Watchlist: Notable Software Updates for 28-Jul-08 -- The latest update to iWeb resolves a long-standing bug. (2 messages)

iPhone sync problems -- If you're seeing problems syncing contacts, one solution is to restore Address Book from a backup and try again. (4 messages)

Configuration suggestions for 3 500 gig drives? With 1.5 TB of storage on the way, a reader solicits suggestions for the best ways to set up the hard drives. (16 messages)

Ideas for TCo Your iPhone update -- As Ted Landau looks to update his Take Control of Your iPhone title, what areas of the new iPhone 3G and iPhone 2.0 software are most important to include? (4 messages)

iTunes 7.7 Corrupts Accented Artist and Track Names -- Readers share their experiences with this problem in iTunes 7.7. (5 messages)

Syncing cell phones with Macs -- What options are available for synchronizing non-iPhone cell phones? (1 message)

iPhone/Windows Password Management -- It makes sense to have a secure copy of important passwords at the ready, but which programs are capable of offering that, especially under Windows? (1 message)

Stolen Laptop -- After a reader's MacBook Pro is stolen, he wonders whether his data is accessible to the thief, even with password-protection turned on. (4 messages)


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