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TidBITS Goes Med Confusion

TidBITS Goes Med Confusion -- Apparently my previous announcement of the week-long iPhoto workshops and photo safari that Tonya and I are leading during November 7th to 13th of this year on the Mediterranean island of Gozo caused a bit of confusion. Some people thought it was a cruise, but other than a short ferry ride, it's entirely on dry land, so there's no worry about getting seasick. Others seemed to think that there was some requirement to pass through the U.S., when in fact all that's necessary is that you fly to the neighboring island of Malta, located about 60 miles off the coast of Sicily. Malta is easy to reach from Europe, of course, and from North America and Asia via connections in major European cities (we just wish we could take some extra time to visit whatever city we end up flying through). Lastly, Malta (and thus Gozo) isn't part of Italy, as Sicily and Sardinia are; it's an independent country counted among the European Union member states.


Tonya and I are looking forward to meeting folks at this event, particularly now that Apple has pushed Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger off until 2005, so we won't be driving ourselves to update all the Take Control ebooks for Tiger right then. A few spots are still available, so if you'd like to join us for the workshops and a laid-back week (with plenty of time for talking about the Mac) in the Mediterranean, the $1,100 discounted price for TidBITS readers is still good through 15-Aug-04. Spouses not attending the morning workshops pay only $800, and the price includes six nights of hotel and five days of photo safaris, plus ferry and museum tickets, and transportation around the islands.



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