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View Extra Bluetooth Details in Snow Leopard

In Snow Leopard, Option-click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar to view a few additional items in the Bluetooth menu. Specifically, it enables you to open three utility applications: Bluetooth Explorer, Bluetooth Diagnostic Utility, and PacketLogger. These are likely of interest primarily to experts, but if you're having troubles with Bluetooth, the Bluetooth Diagnostic Utility in particular may be useful. (These tools are available only if you've installed Apple's Developer Tools.)

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Hot Topics in TidBITS Talk/19-Jul-04

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Adding Ethernet to a Power Mac -- Following Adam's article about replacing the Ethernet card in his Power Mac G4, readers discuss adding gigabit Ethernet to older machines. (3 messages)


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Initial AirPort Express experiences -- Apple's new wireless wonder started shipping last week, and one reader offers his first impressions. (1 message)



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