This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1991-07-01 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst

Stephan Bublava writes, "I think I have found the hidden feature of HyperCard 2.1 (regarding report printing): Just choose "Print Report..." from the File menu with the option key down. The following dialog will show an additional "Save" button. This is new in HyperCard 2.1; it did not work in HyperCard 2.0." [I haven't gotten my hands on 2.1 to test this yet, but it sounds reasonable. Thanks, Stephan!]

Masato Ogawa has been corresponding with me recently because he's uploading TidBITS to the largest BBS in Japan, called NIFTY-Serve. Masato says that each issue garners between 50 and 100 readers and mentions that TidBITS may be becoming even more popular in Japan, despite the language barrier. "And in a major Macintosh Magazine, MacPower, the writer of "AOL Top 20," (yes, AOL is America On-Line) explicitly wrote for the TidBITS introduction: "Is there anyone out there to upload them in Japanese BBS?" The subscribers may increase." [Thanks for all you're doing, Masato, and my apologies if my English is sometimes too obtuse (meaning: dense or confusing :-)).]

Edward Wright rightly writes in a Usenet posting, "Olduvai Software (the manufacturer of VideoPaint and Read-It) is now having a special on both these products. You can get VideoPaint 1.1 for $149 or Read-It 3.0 for $179 by calling Olduvai directly at 800/822-0772. You also get a free T-shirt and overnight delivery, plus a one-year (!) money-back guarantee."

Information from:
Stephan Bublava -- y301e05@awituw01.bitnet
Masato Ogawa --
Edward Wright --