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Turn Off Filename Extension Warning

In Leopard, Apple fixed an annoying aspect of working with the Finder in Tiger. Previously, if you changed a file's extension, the Finder prompted for confirmation. But since no one has ever accidentally changed a filename extension, Apple thankfully added an option to turn that warning off in the Leopard Finder's preferences. Choose Finder > Preferences, and in the Advanced screen, deselect Show Warning Before Changing an Extension.



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Published in TidBITS 63.
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Douglas Wyman writes, "At the Las Vegas 90 Fall COMDEX I saw a prototype digital camera which used EEROM cards instead of still-video floppies to record images. The image was digitized in color and stored on the card which could then be read out by a display device. The obvious (and visibly apparent) benefit was the stability of the output image which did not shudder and shake when being displayed. I too have examined the still-video devices such as the Canon cameras and do not accept the digital - analog - digital approach that their use requires. The rotating analog playback mechanisms introduce too much shake to the image and require mechanical movement for something that could be all-digital and all-electronic. I hope some other vendor is able to move ahead with that technology before still-video gets a firm hold on the consumer's attention."

Information from:
Douglas Wyman -- esfm01.SINet.SLB.COM


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