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Expose Shortcut for View All Windows

In Expose mode in Snow Leopard, press the Tab key to view all windows belonging to one application (equivalent to pressing F10 or Control-F3 on recent laptops). Press Tab again to switch between applications while remaining in Expose. You can also click an icon in the dock.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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Eudora 5.0.1 Released

Eudora 5.0.1 Released -- Qualcomm has released Eudora 5.0.1, a minor upgrade to the company's widely used email program (see "Eudora 5.0 Reads Your Mind" in TidBITS-547 for a review of the new features)Show full article

Updates to Action Files 1.5.4 & Action Menus 1.0.2

Updates to Action Files 1.5.4 & Action Menus 1.0.2 -- Power On Software has released a pair of minor updates to Action Files and Action Menus, the company's $30 utilities for enhancing Open and Save dialog boxes and for creating custom menus and keyboard shortcutsShow full article

SETI@home 3.0 Client Available

SETI@home 3.0 Client Available -- The folks at the SETI@home distributed computing project - which takes advantage of idle systems around the world to analyze radio telescope data for possible extraterrestrial signals - have released version 3.0 of the SETI@home client for MacintoshShow full article

Napster (Finally) Releases Mac Client

Napster (Finally) Releases Mac Client -- Napster, the controversial peer-to-peer music sharing service currently being sued by major recording industry players for promoting piracy, has released its first beta client software for the MacintoshShow full article

Entourage Followup

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Gill Exits Quark

Gill Exits Quark -- Sources close to Quark, Inc. have confirmed that founder and chairman Tim Gill has left the company to pursue philanthropic efforts through his organization, the Gill FoundationShow full article

Poll Results: Front and Center

Poll Results: Front and Center -- Last week's poll asking what folks consider to be the most common tasks for which they use their Macs was both enlightening and predictableShow full article

Poll Preview: Bandwidth Is Good

Poll Preview: Bandwidth Is Good -- As noted above, last week's poll revealed that TidBITS readers consider email and Web browsing the most common tasks they perform on their MacsShow full article

Major Update to StuffIt Deluxe 6.0 and Expander 6.0

In moving to version 6.0, the venerable StuffIt Deluxe compression and archiving package has received a significant update from Aladdin Systems. Most notable among StuffIt Deluxe's new features is ReturnReceipt, which enables the sender of a compressed email attachment to request notification of the attachment's expansionShow full article

Make the Connection with ConceptDraw

Sooner or later, you're going to want to draw a diagram. Of course, you may already know the importance of diagrams - perhaps because you have to chart team organization or workflow at the officeShow full article

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